Yet again, we didn't have a lot of people on for raiding tonight. We actually had I believe the lowest attendance for a 25 man raid night yet - we only had something like 16 or 17 people total well after our typical raid invite time.
So we ended up having a damn night off, which is even more frustrating because of the holiday weekend so we're probably not going to see OS25 or Maly25 this week - both of which people actually need gear from that we've had little chance to see.
The problem is a bunch of people basically got the majority of their either Best in Slot or nearly so gear, and decided that they no longer needed to attend the raids. This mentality is bullshit, because they're not the only ones who needed gear AND they're not in the best gear they can be in. These same people are going to come back after Ulduar drops and want to raid again, so they can get new gear and start their 'vacation' all over again.
This is also causing other problems.
Since we've been lacking people, we've had to shuffle around our schedule and do a lot of 10 man instances instead of the 25 mans, or do some of the 20 people and under achievements instead. This has left some of our newer raiders agitated because they end up not being able to raid with the guild since they were not on when we did the 10 mans impromptu. And of course, they complain about it, and essentially ask for the gear requirements to be lowered since we need people anyways, which upsets the core raiders who do show up and who do work for their upgrades.
Needless to say, lately WoW has been less than enjoyable, which is why Kilo and I haven't really done much beyond raid preparations and showing up for raids that we don't end up doing something other than what we thought we were going to...
#18 Games
15 years ago
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