Friday, April 3, 2009

The Game List

Yes, I play a lot of games. It happens when you have oodles of free time, and are in an artistic slump (I do 3D imaging/animation and write, btw).

World of Warcraft
I was in the Beta for WoW, however at the time I was working for Sony Online Entertainment, and wrapped up in their games since they were free. Sometime around a year ago this past Febuary, it was uncovered that SOE employees had been feeding strats, timers and scripting information to the supposed "top content guild" world wide; being that I had been in a top end contested raiding guild and was considering going back to full time raiding, this kinda pissed me off quite a bit. So I left for WoW and never really looked back.

Off and on for several years, I was on the Kirin Tor server. When I went back to WoW, I ended up meeting a guy (WoW character's name is Ovelia) via that lived about 45 minutes from me; we ended up hooking up, which lead me to making my priest - Teiris - on the Dark Iron server...which was a huge change for me because I preferred being able to NOT PvP when I wanted to get something done fast.

Things didn't turn out well with Ovelia, but at the time I was rather stuck on the server as he tried to get me to hook up with his best friend, Estarial. I moved out of the Arena focused guild , which were a great bunch of people, and into a guild that immediately became - yes, I gave them the name of my prior EQ2 hold-over guild.

I got rather adgitated at the way the guild was being run, as it claimed to be a progression based guild, yet it was so loosely organized and managed that it was more like a casual raid guild that wasn't getting too far very fast. I left them for one of the top raiding guilds, Vital, which was fun on some levels, and hell on others.

Eventually, I had ways to get the hell off the server without re-rolling my toon, and started hunting around for one I liked. I wanted to go back to an RP realm, but Kirin Tor had been so dead the few times I was on it - even during peak hours - so I looked elsewhere.

I've settled down on Steamwheedle Cartel, in the wonderful guild Arcana Solarie. The majority of the people there are awesome, the raiding is largely progressive and fun, at about the pace I'd like to be at as far as how many nights I raid. They have a huge RPer cross section of members, so there are RP events and happenings to be had as well.

Here I've met Kilo, the player of Stabbikins, whom I spend the majority of my time with unless I have a doctor's appointment or he has job hunting or D&D. Life on SWC has been pretty good, and I think I'm going to keep myself here even if I move on to other games, just to stay in contact with the people.

Horde Characters :
Teiris Shadowsong - 80 Shadow Priestess
Onona Darksun - 80 Retribution Paladin
Seresu Stormblade - 64 Dual Wielding Death Knight
Anezka Calacirya - 54 Soul Link/Siphon Life Warlock
Noquisia - 36 RestoKin Druid

Alliance Characters:
Avarianna Calacirya - 20 RestoKin Druid
Rhana - 10 Frost Mage

Requiem: Bloodymare
I forget how I found this game, but I really dig the graphics and some of the systems they have that are semi-unique. And nothing is more refreshing than watching your enemy lay hacked into bits, twitching about as they die in a huge pool of blood!

Requiem is sort of a side game for Kilo and I, though we have been spending quite a good amount of time on it when we're not raiding in WoW. I've been thinking about starting up an RP group there, because there is some interesting ideas to play with, and somewhere I have a couple of diaries written by my characters...I'll have to find those.

Lintra Characters :
Lexia - 22 Kruzena Rogue (Assassin)
Ixie - 12 Xenoa Battle Mage (Elementalist)
Teiris - 13 Turan Templar (Radiant)

Second Life
I visit Second Life on and off, depending upon my mood. I have a couple of avatars, however there is only one I am currently paying for/using. Part of me would like to get better at item creation in SL, the other part of me doesn't want to bother with the work that would bring; people would be expectant of me as a content designer, and I never really can give a definate date on when I'll be done something.

Right now I'm looking into renting a place in HarajukuBox City - the idea sounds pretty cool, and I enjoy the atmosphere there.

Aria Jinx

Guild Wars
This is a totally convenient game for me - while they do have a store to purchase some things for those not patient enough to get them through gameplay, the game is entirely free aside from buying the base game and/or "expansions". I can play it at any time and drop it without worrying about a subscription fee, unspent "points" or losing my characters.

US Server RP Characters:
Gwen Aurora - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer
Avaria Calacirya - 20 Mesmer/Necromancer
Ykatya Mehroe - 19 Necromancer/Monk

US Server PvP Characters:
Kirei Tenshi Yumiya - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine

If you haven't played any of the Shin Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Saga (Story)/Personae games, get thee to Blockbuster and rent one of them! I suggest Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne if you're new to the series or want to play SMT:I - it's the most similar to it.

I actually have a clan for each of my three characters, to get each of the "return home" stones for their cities, and to try out different alignments and demons or gear.

Cerberus Characters:
Ixy - 32 Chaos Magic Gunner
Shiloh - 16 Law Support Mage
Lexia - 13 Neutral Fighter

I think it was Pheronecius of the Antonia Bayle server in EQ2 that got me into Shayia. Luckily it's on the same system as SMT:I, so if I decide that I want something from the item mall, I'll have two different games I can get stuff in. I resently deleted my main character on the Teos server, because I messed up on picking her abilities. >.>

Shayia has some damn fine promotional artwork, and the game itself is quite pretty too. I really love the dualistic qualities of it, the separation between Light and Dark quite important to the game.

Lailah Server Erina Characters:
Naica - 11 Mage

Teos Server Reikeuseu Characters:
Ixy - 5 Pagan

Asda Story
Yes, it's Supah Ka-wa-ii. I know, it's so cutesy that it makes you wanna gag unless you're into Shoju anime...but the game has some interesting systems to it. Their "Soulmate" system is really interesting, and kinda reminds me of WoW's newer "Refer-A-Friend" system, but more permanent.

The game is silly, and kawaii, but it's a fun change of pace from time to time. The only large complaint I have is that it's damn launcher pad is set to be on top of I can't do anything when it's up. >.>

Tilia Characters:
Zalika - 15 Fighter

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