Tuesday, April 21, 2009
So Caught Up...!
I'm also trying to figure out what format I want to do the MMO/Major Game posts, and haven't found a writing style or format that I like yet, so that's not going up just yet.
What time I have been able to get on the PC has gone towards WoW's new raid zone, Ulduar and leveling Alliance characters with a few old friends on Hydraxis. And this addicting little browser based game called Civony. >.>
But I should be able to get back into the swing of things this week. My bruised tailbone only hurts a lot when I try to lean back, so it's basically become a crash course in perfect posture!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
By now, you have probably learned that Wizards of the Coast recently decided to cease the sale of digital download versions of their books. This means that RPGNow and DriveThruRPG will no longer be able to offer you future downloads of Wizards titles you have purchased.
We are offering you a final 24-hour period in which to re-download copies of any Wizards of the Coast files you have purchased from us in the past. If there are any titles you purchased, and you need a new copy of the file for your personal archive, this is your last chance to get it.
This 24-hour period will begin at 10:00 AM EST (U.S.A. Eastern Time Zone), Wednesday, April 15th and will conclude at 10:00 AM EST on Tuesday, April 16th.
During this time you may visit DriveThruRPG or RPGNow, log in, and click the My Account link found in the upper right corner of the site. Or just visit one of these links:
DriveThruRPG http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/account.php
RPGNow http://www.rpgnow.com/account.php
For the “My Account” page you will find your order history and download links, including a handy option to view all products updated since your last download of that title (for example a file that was updated with errata since you last downloaded it). During your visit, we certainly invite you to take a look around and see all the titles we have to offer for rpg PDF fans.
As always, thank you for your continuing support of all that we do, and we welcome your feedback and any questions you may have.
Sean Patrick FannonDriveThruRPG and RPGNowSunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

I never was a big fan of the whole worshipping someone who had supposedly died and returned from the dead. Most people who do that are regarded as Zombies or at the very best, Vampires so the idea that one gets it's own holiday is just a little, you know...insane!
Zombies...who in their right mind celebrates Zombies?!

For the more material minded out there, Happy Get Tons of Pastel Candy day!
You've gotten a ton of jelly beans, chocolate rabbits, peanut butter eggs, and those oh so annoying hard boiled and coloured eggs. Your Easter basket is a tribute to Capitalism, and will soon be showing itself on your hips and ass. But hey, it tastes good, so who cares, right?
We won't tell anyone about the stuff animals your mom got you...but hey, chics'll dig them!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Facebook Game of the Week: Battle Stations
My WoW guild mate Viseraeth plays it though, and got Kilo playing it, and I found out it's actually a huge Steampunk Anime style game, with some mechanics that don't exist in a lot of the other Facebook RPGs.

The Battle Stations interface is fairly straightforward, even for being completely graphical. After you press the Start Game button, which loads you into the actual Flash game, you end up on the main game screen. Here you have several visible stats and options, as well as a nifty little animated window showing your ship and it's current setting/conditions.
The Ship window is the most noticeable thing on this page, since it is dead center and completely animated. Next to the Ship window is the image of your Captain avatar, which changes depending upon what class you have selected, and as you level, which class advancements you take. Just above your Captain is a box with some very basic stats - your Captain's name, your Ship's name and the amount of EXP you have toward your next level.
At the top of the main area are listings for your other important stats. The first is your AP or Action Points, which allow you to do everything from fixing your ship to questing to exploring. Next is the area showing how much Gold or in game currency you have available to you, followed by the amounts of materials (Wood, Ore and Plasma Rock) you have. Next is your Ship's hit points, displaying current hit points and overall hit points of your ship. Lastly, there is a listing of your current Level, which of course will change as you get more experience in the game.
Below the Stats bar is your Navigation bar. The Home option will always bring you back to this first page we're looking at, while the rest will take you deeper into the game itself. Once you navigate away from the Home page, the bars will sometimes switch places, and the Navigation bar will be above the Stats bar.
The first option is for Quests. Quests are a good way to start out gaining experience and resources, and often have interesting little facts about the world Battle Stations is set in. There are two different types of Quests - the Story Quest and the Side Quest. Story Quests will largely give you information about the world around you and reward you with experience and money, while Side Quests will get you anything from Wood and Ore to Ship upgrades and parts. Every Quest costs a set amount of AP, and initially you can do a whole lot of Quests before you run out of AP.
One type of Quest is called Exploration. This allows you to basically free roam the skies, sometimes giving you the option to PvP or battle NPC ships, resulting in varying amounts of EXP and resources. A combination of regular Questing and Exploration will help you get started as a new Captain, so don't discount one for the other.
During your Quest or Exploration, you may encounter another Ship. These can be NPC or PvP encounters. When an encounter occurs, a new screen will appear showing both ships zipping through the air and attacking one another. At the bottom of the encounter is a bar that shows the ships progress through the encounter - if either ship reaches the end of this bar, the encounter ends and you either survive and escape or your enemy survives and escapes. You have no direct control over these encounters beyond what you do to upgrade your Ship and it's Equipment, so definitely pay attention to the Hanger information!
The second option is for Ports and Shops. The starter city of Tylerion has three different sub-options, while other cities and areas may have more or less options. Any type of Shipyard will allow you to buy a different ship using Gold and/or Resources, while Armories will allow you to buy gear to outfit your ship with and you may find other types of shops or stops like Taverns, where you can talk to NPCs and buy drinks.
The next option is your Captain option. This is where you will go to spend your Stat Points whenever you level, or to look at the record of various game achievements you have gotten, as well as editing your Captain's biography. Aside from your three primary Stats that you will level up as the game progresses, you can see how many Wins and Losses you've had, how many Battle Stations friends you have, your total Experience to date, your current location and lastly the date you joined the game.
The Hanger option is one of the more complex screens in the Battle Stations game, because it manages several different things involving your Ship. The first two things you can do on this page is Repair your Ship using AP if it has taken damage via Quests or PvP, or you can salvage it for AP if your Ship has been sunk at all. The repairs of course scale based on your ship's damage, but I've yet to have so much damage I didn't have or regenerate the AP to cover them.
The bulk of the Hanger menu covers your Ship and it's Equipement. Your ship can be upgraded two different ways - by improving the general stats of your current ship or buy skipping over to the Shipyard and getting an entirely different class of ship. Both of these options take Gold and Resources, however if you like the layout of your Ship it allows you to just upgrade the Ship itself rather than move on to a completely different style.
Your Ship has several different Equipment options. Each ship does have a maximum weight limit, and a set number of Weapons it can support, so these things will always be changing based on your Ship's type and upgrade level while there are some set slots that will not change quite as often. Aside from Weapons, every Ship has a Sail, an Engine, a Figurehead, a Hull and a Stabilizer. There are also options for a Custom Captain and Custom Ship, however I personally have not unlocked the items for these options.
Upgrading your Ship's Equipment will affect it's statistics in battle in terms of survivability, maneuvering and damage output. A combination of Weapon types can keep you able to damage a ship that has protection against different types, so it may not always be a wise idea to have the biggest, most expensive gunnery in every Weapon slot. Take time with building your Ship, making it stable yet versatile!
The Crew page has a couple of different sub-options. You can go to a page to Invite your friends to the game, and I suggest including a personal message when you do because of how vague of a description the default message gives. You can Recalculate your crew if you've added a friend who hasn't shown up on the list yet, though the game seems pretty good about managing your connections. The Friends option allows you to see the rankings of your friends based on their levels and ships.
The last Crew option is to Manage your Crew. Each ship has a few different positions that you can give to your friends, like First Mate and Quartermaster. Everyone who does not have a specific position will be listed as a Deck Hand, which still help you out as far as numbers and stats go, so don't discount yourself if you find your friends have left you as a Deck Hand.
The Market option lets you do a number of things from transmuting items into other items, to player trades and exchanges. Transmuting is definately a nice option if you're having trouble finding a material via Quests and Exploration as is trading things with other players or buying them from other players.
Once your Captain reaches level 25, you can join a Clan and participate in the Clan Wars feature of Battle Stations. Clan members don't attack you anymore, which cuts out some of your PvP competition, and the benefits that Clans provide will help you progress through the game.
The Help option is rather self explanatory, so I'm going to skip it. =P
The last option is called Ocho, which is a 'currency' that you can buy with real world cash to spend on items in game that are considered premium. You can get fluff items like Ship Skins or spend your Ocho Points to refresh your AP or Resources stocks. While I myself don't use the option, some players do just to get the skins.
So far, I'm really digging Battle Stations, though the AP regen is at a rate that really allows for me to play it for a bit once a day, which is nice most days and aggravating other days!
Design Score: A+.
Game Play Score: A
Graphics Score: A+
Replayability: A-
Bonus: B+, sometimes the game kills the Facebook native navigation options or has minor Flash errors but gets bonus points for bothering with a Flash game at all.
Overall Score: A
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
WoW: Yet Another Night of Fail Attendance
So we ended up having a damn night off, which is even more frustrating because of the holiday weekend so we're probably not going to see OS25 or Maly25 this week - both of which people actually need gear from that we've had little chance to see.
The problem is a bunch of people basically got the majority of their either Best in Slot or nearly so gear, and decided that they no longer needed to attend the raids. This mentality is bullshit, because they're not the only ones who needed gear AND they're not in the best gear they can be in. These same people are going to come back after Ulduar drops and want to raid again, so they can get new gear and start their 'vacation' all over again.
This is also causing other problems.
Since we've been lacking people, we've had to shuffle around our schedule and do a lot of 10 man instances instead of the 25 mans, or do some of the 20 people and under achievements instead. This has left some of our newer raiders agitated because they end up not being able to raid with the guild since they were not on when we did the 10 mans impromptu. And of course, they complain about it, and essentially ask for the gear requirements to be lowered since we need people anyways, which upsets the core raiders who do show up and who do work for their upgrades.
Needless to say, lately WoW has been less than enjoyable, which is why Kilo and I haven't really done much beyond raid preparations and showing up for raids that we don't end up doing something other than what we thought we were going to...
LOLcats Networking >.>
Site Updates: Story Blogs Added
I'm still doing the layout formatting and stuff, so expect them to change over time!
Requiem: So I was Reminded Why Helping Newbs Might be Bad...
So when this random, half naked Kruxena in one of the first few outposts asks about my glowing sword, and then of course about the Item Upgrade System, I'm not surprised and actually gave him a fairly good TL:DR version of the crafting system. Shrug off the interruption and continue on my marry way with Kilo.
Later on, when we get to the Cargo Field for our last scroll quests before reaching level 20, we run into the same newbie. He's still not really all that geared, and he's pretty hesitant to actually hit the mobs in the area - they're all level 19 - 20+. He's a rogue, he's new and he's not really all that well geared it seems, so again we just shrug and continue with what we're doing.
After watching us slaughter a few of the huge golems we needed for a scroll quest, the newb rogue asks, "u want 2 party?".
First of all, I cannot stand the while "texting speak" thing. If you're not using at least decent spelling I'm so not going to respond to you because my Inner Literature Student is too busy ranting about your language in Foamy the Squirrel's voice.
Kilo, being a bit extroverted compared to myself in these kinds of situations, says "Only if you bring the cocain."...and the rogue asks about where to find cocain IN GAME. O.o
Next he quips off about how he's level 15!
To save him some stress, I explain that he should be down in the pond area outside the South Watchtower doing the hand-spider/stalk monster/scorpidile quests since they're more the appropriate level for him - I'm so not into carrying people in MMOs.
He then says, "i hate quests" which is something a lot of people don't like in MMOs, and then follows it up with "will quests level me?".
Requiem starts you out on a quest chain that will level you to about level 7 or so without killing a god damn thing, which also teaches you about the game itself. From there, numerous amounts of NPCs have quest, and there are scroll quests you can obtain as well - like any MMO, it's leveling is centered around quests!
I point out that quests are really the easiest and only way to actually level in the game, and Kilo and I promptly start ignoring him and work on killing off our quest monsters while /facepalming in RL. >.<
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
LOLcats...GAIA?! WTF.

The reach of ICanHasCheezburger.com is far! I totally would never expect to see something like a LOLcat in a silly online P4P MMO!
Gaia Dream Avatars!
First, Teiris of the Light and Shadow Mistress Teiris!

Next we have Onona in her old Demon Hunter clothing.

And now for Seresu and her spooky steed...

And Anezka and her Succubus!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Requiem Skill Builds
Since we've been playing a lot and I actually like the game itself, I've decided to work on making some builds for my characters, since skill resets are Item Mall only items (as far as we can tell). For some classes, there's a Skill Calculator that is fairly decent, but seems to be complete only to about level 60. The other Skill Calculator was on Rockiem, which has been abandoned by it's creators, and making an account doesn't seem to work so I can't even use it or back it up.
So I made the Requiem: Bloodymare Skill Builds blog so that I'm not constantly cluttering up this blog, and so that there's a more focused collection than available on the forums. The forums are great and all, but having to sift through each classes' forum to find what I want sucks!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rant: Raid Point Systems, and Their Manipulation, and Fucking Internet Queen Whores
So I know there is absolutely no perfect, non-manipulable raid loot system aside from the ever elusive non-bias and well tracked council system (which may as well not exist in the first place, since it's so rare to get people to be non-biased). There is definitely no variation of DKP that is non-manipulative and fair, and EP/GP is probably the closest to being the ideal loot system if you can't get a damn fine loot council.
But still...I hate fuckers who intentionally do everything they can to manipulate the system, whether it's point/priority hording by never upgrading themselves unless the best in slot item drops (which doesn't help the raid for a long time in some cases) or by brow-beating or sob-storying people into deferring to them.
When people do the stupid point/priority hording, it forces other people in the raid to do the same in order to continue upgrading themselves...as they have been...the entire time...for the betterment of the fucking raid. People have to stop upgrading to stand a chance at any of the really big upgrades which keeps them weaker like the ones not upgrading when they can.
This kind of shit also prevents people who have viable, sometimes needed off-specs from being able to build viable off-spec sets, such as a DPS or Tank whose class can also heal. Any raid force can wind up in the situation where they're short healers, so if the people in your guild haven't been able to build a respectable off-set, you're going to end up being fucked at some point.
It's not like I'm saying take every negligible upgrade, or semi-side grade that drops; I'm saying take something that's an obvious upgrade, even if it's not the best in slot item. Contribute to the raid the same way other people in the raid force are.
And let's not forget the greedy, petty dipshits that will brow-beat or whine and cry their way into getting the drop passed to them, even if it is a better upgrade for someone else and only a nominal upgrade for them - even if they lost outright.
My guild in WoW has a couple of whiny, dramatic Internet Queens in it (one of which does the above mentioned whiny/pity me, gimme your loots shit), who happen to basically be fucking each other as much as two people who are in relationships/marriages and only online can, so they always back each other up even if they're being out of line in the first place. Since one actually holds a position in the guild, the other tends to act like she has the same position, the whole self-important by virtue of who they are with bullshit. It's a lot like having two yappy chihuahuas. They're two of the biggest reasons I've stopped logging in at all aside from raids, and get irritated mid-raids.
If you have a fucking position in a guild, don't let your fucking personal opinion influence your actions and how you handle people in the guild constantly, unless they directly assault you. Hate them, go ahead, but don't ever fucking belittle them in public or treat them like shit when they need you in the role of your position or class; only treat them like shit if they start in on you first, and if that happens, defer it to another officer or the guild leader. -.-
Needless to say, I'm not an officer or anything in my guild. ;-)
Pay Structures: A Monologue/Rant
Pay for Game, No Subscription: I -really- like this. Guild Wars is really the only game that seems to do this, but basically I can buy the base game, and enjoy it whenever I want without having to pay a subscription fee. They do release expansions or companion games, which have to be purchased, but there's a good bit of time between each. Some perks can be bought, but nothing that's not obtainable within the game itself if you work for it.
Pay for Premium: I generally like this format. The split monthly fee/item mall creates a good stable base for the game and allows those who regularly play it make a consistant, regular contribution to the game even if they don't like the items in the mall. While it's not as much as a Standard MMO fee, the split income allows for a reduction in price. The perks from premium tend to be useful, but not completely overpowering, and also make buying things in the item mall a little less costly due to adding bonus "points" when purchasing the currency for it.
The cool thing is that if there's a month or three that a player can't afford the premium cost, they can drop the monthly billing and still enjoy the game, albeit without the premium perks, until they can afford it again.
Most P4P games do not do "expansions" per se, but may add additional content as they can afford to, and generally these games are not boxed and sold in stores, so they survive completely off their split income. Surprisingly, they do well and some are almost as well made (or better) than a lot of Standard MMOs.
Standard MMOs - Single Game: While I love a lot of the Standard MMOs out there, I really hate the fact that I dump about 15.00 a month into it, and somewhere from 50.00 - 150.00 per year on expansions, depending upon the game. WoW hasn't been so bad, since the expansions have been fairly spread out, but EverQuest I & II were a huge money drain that got to a point where it just wasn't worth it (or EQ1 would have been if I had to pay for it).
Sometimes, the support for them is worse than for the "free" games, which is just sad. It often makes me wonder if it's worth the money, but most of the time the people I've met in the game make it worth it...not the support or the game itself. >.>
Standard MMOs - Multi Game: A good idea on paper, generally not so great in reality. It worked well for City of Heroes/City of Villains because they were sister games, but things like the SOE All Access Pass kind of lose appeal if you don't like more than two of their games enough to actually play them. Eventually, the mega pass becomes more of a financial waste than a bargin, as intrest in the extra games dwindles or your time dwindles - CoH/V being the exception. Especially when you start factoring expansions for more than one MMO...that's a SHIT TON of money a year.
Don't get me wrong, I realise that games need to make money for their companies, but I just feel that the majority of payment structures blow goats and end up screwing the user more than it works for them.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Gamer Social Sites Info
GamerNook ID: Darkfae
GamerDNA ID: Darkfae
MMOCluster ID (Under WoW): Teiris
MyGameMug ID: Darkfae
Notice a pattern? On most game related boards, I have a login that is Darkfae or some variant. I think that's also my log in for most WoW-specific sites. A few of the game places like Aeria Games I used what I would remember as my game login, so those are different. >.<
Twitter ID: ielixzia
Facebook: Ixy
MySpace: I never really use this...
Facebook Game of the Week: Stop Global Warming - Game
Our first FB game is one that I find to be a little under used, at least by my FB friends, but it's also one of the more informative by proxy games on FB. At first it just looks like another management based game, but if you actually look at what you're doing in the game, you get a better idea of ways to do what it's title says - Stop Global Warming.
The game itself is brought to FB by the same teams that manage Metropolis and Zoo Builder, and uses a similar format to it's sister games. Aside from noting what "country" you're working in, there are three immediately noticeable "stats" - your CO2 Emissions Per Day, your Carbon Footprint, and your Current Support Level. Other important stats are your Money and your Total Impact Points.

At 1,000 Total Impact Points, 4 more countries become unlocked; another 5 become unlocked at 10,000 TIPs, 2 more at 50,000 TIPs, 2 at 250,000 TIPs, and the last 2 at 1,000,000 TIPs. The amount of starting CO2 Emissions and Carbon Footprint will raise as you move your way up the list of countries, making it harder to reach your goals. Your Current Support Level will always start with 40/255.
Currently, I'm in Russia, which is one of the harder stages of the game. I've been working on it for about a week and a half or so, and you'll notice I still have high CO2 Emissions and a large Carbon Footprint. Just for screenshots, I'll switch to India, where I haven't even started working on bringing down the

The first thing you'll want to do (after trying to invite some friends to play, of course), is start Building Up your country. Just click on the Build Up option from the main menu, and you will be presented with the starter screen.

The majority of your Total Impact Points - and location specific Impact Points - will come from the second to sections. There will be several options in the Non-Revenue Generating Items and Structures section that will only cost you Money to use, while the more impacting options will also require Support.
Support is earned via your friends playng and giving you Support once a day, or buy going under the Give Support section and posting up for support from random players. Support only counts towards the country you are in at the time the support is given, so if you move before spending that Support, you will not have it in your new country.
All of the items in the Laws section require a good chunk of Money and 100 Support to enact, however many of them cause dramatic changes to your overall stats in that country. You're given about 2 - 5 new Law options per Impact Point bracket, so this section will remain the same for some time, then suddenly expand when you reach a new bracket.
As you progress through the game, you'll be awarded for every country that you have brought into having a Nil Carbon Footprint. These awards are displayed on your overall stats page, along with your current country's information and progress.

Overall, this is one of those "pay attention to a day or three a week, and leave it run" games that is more educational than it is game play intensive. It is well designed, although after working in a few countries, the Money flow causes it to become a little unbalanced - up until I hit the higher Impact Point countries, I could blow through two or three in a few clicks.
Design Score: B+
Game Play Score: B-
Graphics Score: A
Replayability: B
Bonus: A for the amount if RL information used.
Overall Score: B+
(____) Game of the ____ Posts
Every Friday Night/Saturday Morning - Facebook Game of the Week
Every Other Friday Night/Saturday Morning - Bi-weekly Web-based Game
Second Friday Night/Saturday Morning of the Month - Game of the Month
Whenever I actually play a Console game - Random Console Game Day
Each post will have a score set at the end, looking something like this (as it may need to be changed from game type to game type):
Design Score: This is for overall game UI design.
Game Play Score: How well the mechanics work together
Graphics Score: Based on whether or not the graphics are unique and appropriate, and with some games, exactly how detailed they are.
Replayability: How often can you play/replay the game. With some web based games and MMOs that don't end, this score is more about how often you can play the game before it's not really worth it or becomes boring.
Bonus: Additional mark given for unique concepts, may not apply to all games.
Overall Score: An average of the above scores.
Silly Little Web-Based Fighting Pseudo-Game
Ixy The Brute
Teiris the Brute
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Game List
World of Warcraft
I was in the Beta for WoW, however at the time I was working for Sony Online Entertainment, and wrapped up in their games since they were free. Sometime around a year ago this past Febuary, it was uncovered that SOE employees had been feeding strats, timers and scripting information to the supposed "top content guild" world wide; being that I had been in a top end contested raiding guild and was considering going back to full time raiding, this kinda pissed me off quite a bit. So I left for WoW and never really looked back.
Off and on for several years, I was on the Kirin Tor server. When I went back to WoW, I ended up meeting a guy (WoW character's name is Ovelia) via GamerNook.com that lived about 45 minutes from me; we ended up hooking up, which lead me to making my priest - Teiris - on the Dark Iron server...which was a huge change for me because I preferred being able to NOT PvP when I wanted to get something done fast.
Things didn't turn out well with Ovelia, but at the time I was rather stuck on the server as he tried to get me to hook up with his best friend, Estarial. I moved out of the Arena focused guild
, which were a great bunch of people, and into a guild that immediately became - yes, I gave them the name of my prior EQ2 hold-over guild.
I got rather adgitated at the way the guild was being run, as it claimed to be a progression based guild, yet it was so loosely organized and managed that it was more like a casual raid guild that wasn't getting too far very fast. I left them for one of the top raiding guilds, Vital, which was fun on some levels, and hell on others.
Eventually, I had ways to get the hell off the server without re-rolling my toon, and started hunting around for one I liked. I wanted to go back to an RP realm, but Kirin Tor had been so dead the few times I was on it - even during peak hours - so I looked elsewhere.
I've settled down on Steamwheedle Cartel, in the wonderful guild Arcana Solarie. The majority of the people there are awesome, the raiding is largely progressive and fun, at about the pace I'd like to be at as far as how many nights I raid. They have a huge RPer cross section of members, so there are RP events and happenings to be had as well.
Here I've met Kilo, the player of Stabbikins, whom I spend the majority of my time with unless I have a doctor's appointment or he has job hunting or D&D. Life on SWC has been pretty good, and I think I'm going to keep myself here even if I move on to other games, just to stay in contact with the people.
Horde Characters :
Teiris Shadowsong - 80 Shadow Priestess
Onona Darksun - 80 Retribution Paladin
Seresu Stormblade - 64 Dual Wielding Death Knight
Anezka Calacirya - 54 Soul Link/Siphon Life Warlock
Noquisia - 36 RestoKin Druid
Alliance Characters:
Avarianna Calacirya - 20 RestoKin Druid
Rhana - 10 Frost Mage
Requiem: Bloodymare
I forget how I found this game, but I really dig the graphics and some of the systems they have that are semi-unique. And nothing is more refreshing than watching your enemy lay hacked into bits, twitching about as they die in a huge pool of blood!
Requiem is sort of a side game for Kilo and I, though we have been spending quite a good amount of time on it when we're not raiding in WoW. I've been thinking about starting up an RP group there, because there is some interesting ideas to play with, and somewhere I have a couple of diaries written by my characters...I'll have to find those.
Lintra Characters :
Lexia - 22 Kruzena Rogue (Assassin)
Ixie - 12 Xenoa Battle Mage (Elementalist)
Teiris - 13 Turan Templar (Radiant)
Second Life
I visit Second Life on and off, depending upon my mood. I have a couple of avatars, however there is only one I am currently paying for/using. Part of me would like to get better at item creation in SL, the other part of me doesn't want to bother with the work that would bring; people would be expectant of me as a content designer, and I never really can give a definate date on when I'll be done something.
Right now I'm looking into renting a place in HarajukuBox City - the idea sounds pretty cool, and I enjoy the atmosphere there.
Aria Jinx
Guild Wars
This is a totally convenient game for me - while they do have a store to purchase some things for those not patient enough to get them through gameplay, the game is entirely free aside from buying the base game and/or "expansions". I can play it at any time and drop it without worrying about a subscription fee, unspent "points" or losing my characters.
US Server RP Characters:
Gwen Aurora - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer
Avaria Calacirya - 20 Mesmer/Necromancer
Ykatya Mehroe - 19 Necromancer/Monk
US Server PvP Characters:
Kirei Tenshi Yumiya - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
If you haven't played any of the Shin Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Saga (Story)/Personae games, get thee to Blockbuster and rent one of them! I suggest Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne if you're new to the series or want to play SMT:I - it's the most similar to it.
I actually have a clan for each of my three characters, to get each of the "return home" stones for their cities, and to try out different alignments and demons or gear.
Cerberus Characters:
Ixy - 32 Chaos Magic Gunner
Shiloh - 16 Law Support Mage
Lexia - 13 Neutral Fighter
I think it was Pheronecius of the Antonia Bayle server in EQ2 that got me into Shayia. Luckily it's on the same system as SMT:I, so if I decide that I want something from the item mall, I'll have two different games I can get stuff in. I resently deleted my main character on the Teos server, because I messed up on picking her abilities. >.>
Shayia has some damn fine promotional artwork, and the game itself is quite pretty too. I really love the dualistic qualities of it, the separation between Light and Dark quite important to the game.
Lailah Server Erina Characters:
Naica - 11 Mage
Teos Server Reikeuseu Characters:
Ixy - 5 Pagan
Asda Story
Yes, it's Supah Ka-wa-ii. I know, it's so cutesy that it makes you wanna gag unless you're into Shoju anime...but the game has some interesting systems to it. Their "Soulmate" system is really interesting, and kinda reminds me of WoW's newer "Refer-A-Friend" system, but more permanent.
The game is silly, and kawaii, but it's a fun change of pace from time to time. The only large complaint I have is that it's damn launcher pad is set to be on top of everything...so I can't do anything when it's up. >.>
Tilia Characters:
Zalika - 15 Fighter
I got rather adgitated at the way the guild was being run, as it claimed to be a progression based guild, yet it was so loosely organized and managed that it was more like a casual raid guild that wasn't getting too far very fast. I left them for one of the top raiding guilds, Vital, which was fun on some levels, and hell on others.
Eventually, I had ways to get the hell off the server without re-rolling my toon, and started hunting around for one I liked. I wanted to go back to an RP realm, but Kirin Tor had been so dead the few times I was on it - even during peak hours - so I looked elsewhere.
I've settled down on Steamwheedle Cartel, in the wonderful guild Arcana Solarie. The majority of the people there are awesome, the raiding is largely progressive and fun, at about the pace I'd like to be at as far as how many nights I raid. They have a huge RPer cross section of members, so there are RP events and happenings to be had as well.
Here I've met Kilo, the player of Stabbikins, whom I spend the majority of my time with unless I have a doctor's appointment or he has job hunting or D&D. Life on SWC has been pretty good, and I think I'm going to keep myself here even if I move on to other games, just to stay in contact with the people.
Horde Characters
Teiris Shadowsong - 80 Shadow Priestess
Onona Darksun - 80 Retribution Paladin
Seresu Stormblade - 64 Dual Wielding Death Knight
Anezka Calacirya - 54 Soul Link/Siphon Life Warlock
Noquisia - 36 RestoKin Druid
Alliance Characters:
Avarianna Calacirya - 20 RestoKin Druid
Rhana - 10 Frost Mage
Requiem: Bloodymare
I forget how I found this game, but I really dig the graphics and some of the systems they have that are semi-unique. And nothing is more refreshing than watching your enemy lay hacked into bits, twitching about as they die in a huge pool of blood!
Requiem is sort of a side game for Kilo and I, though we have been spending quite a good amount of time on it when we're not raiding in WoW. I've been thinking about starting up an RP group there, because there is some interesting ideas to play with, and somewhere I have a couple of diaries written by my characters...I'll have to find those.
Lintra Characters
Lexia - 22 Kruzena Rogue (Assassin)
Ixie - 12 Xenoa Battle Mage (Elementalist)
Teiris - 13 Turan Templar (Radiant)
Second Life
I visit Second Life on and off, depending upon my mood. I have a couple of avatars, however there is only one I am currently paying for/using. Part of me would like to get better at item creation in SL, the other part of me doesn't want to bother with the work that would bring; people would be expectant of me as a content designer, and I never really can give a definate date on when I'll be done something.
Right now I'm looking into renting a place in HarajukuBox City - the idea sounds pretty cool, and I enjoy the atmosphere there.
Aria Jinx
Guild Wars
This is a totally convenient game for me - while they do have a store to purchase some things for those not patient enough to get them through gameplay, the game is entirely free aside from buying the base game and/or "expansions". I can play it at any time and drop it without worrying about a subscription fee, unspent "points" or losing my characters.
US Server RP Characters:
Gwen Aurora - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer
Avaria Calacirya - 20 Mesmer/Necromancer
Ykatya Mehroe - 19 Necromancer/Monk
US Server PvP Characters:
Kirei Tenshi Yumiya - 20 Elementalist/Mesmer
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
If you haven't played any of the Shin Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Saga (Story)/Personae games, get thee to Blockbuster and rent one of them! I suggest Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne if you're new to the series or want to play SMT:I - it's the most similar to it.
I actually have a clan for each of my three characters, to get each of the "return home" stones for their cities, and to try out different alignments and demons or gear.
Cerberus Characters:
Ixy - 32 Chaos Magic Gunner
Shiloh - 16 Law Support Mage
Lexia - 13 Neutral Fighter
I think it was Pheronecius of the Antonia Bayle server in EQ2 that got me into Shayia. Luckily it's on the same system as SMT:I, so if I decide that I want something from the item mall, I'll have two different games I can get stuff in. I resently deleted my main character on the Teos server, because I messed up on picking her abilities. >.>
Shayia has some damn fine promotional artwork, and the game itself is quite pretty too. I really love the dualistic qualities of it, the separation between Light and Dark quite important to the game.
Lailah Server Erina Characters:
Naica - 11 Mage
Teos Server Reikeuseu Characters:
Ixy - 5 Pagan
Asda Story
Yes, it's Supah Ka-wa-ii. I know, it's so cutesy that it makes you wanna gag unless you're into Shoju anime...but the game has some interesting systems to it. Their "Soulmate" system is really interesting, and kinda reminds me of WoW's newer "Refer-A-Friend" system, but more permanent.
The game is silly, and kawaii, but it's a fun change of pace from time to time. The only large complaint I have is that it's damn launcher pad is set to be on top of everything...so I can't do anything when it's up. >.>
Tilia Characters:
Zalika - 15 Fighter
My Rig
Kyp is no longer uber top of the line like he once was, but he's got decent enough hardware in him ATM. This definitely isn't bragging, it's just information that is relevant to gamers and geeks everywhere.
I should probably preface that I am a total Asus. AMD and nVidia baby, and cannot stand Intel or ATI.
Case: Alienware Star Wars Light Side (cus I really wanted the artworks)
Motherboard: Asus M3A76-CM
Processor: AMD Phenom X3 2.3GHz
RAM: 4 gigs OCZ Fatal1ty
Graphics Card: GFX 7900 GS
Sound: Asus Xonar D1
OS: Windows Vista (for now...)
About the Ad-Sense...
I selected the option cus I'm pretty poor ATM - can't work due to health issues, haven't won disability yet, so I live off about 200ish USD a month. But if it irritates me, or posts too many non-relevant links, I'm going to toss it!
Need Moar Noise
So I've decided to start a gaming dependent blog, that will be about nothing but video games, computers, and RPGs of any kind. Of course, the first few posts will be the obligatory rig spec info, game site handles, and games with contact character listed - kinda have to let people know that so they can follow right.
Welcome to the Geek Chic Boutique - enjoy the geeky insanity!